Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gettin' it together

A happy time in one’s life when one is not employed and one is not wanting to be employed.

During this time of retirement I’m going to become a renaissance woman. I just got a burst of inspiration yesterday- not real inspiration; in fact it was more of like a stomach pain. But anyway, I decided that I want to use this time to get really good at a lot of things. I want to take some Spanish classes, piano lessons, workout daily, do a triathlon, become a personal trainer, train my dog to not kill things (she loves the crunch of bones in her mouth), maybe learn to crochet, make my own ketchup- I don’t know. The point is that I want to utilize this time to become awesome at everything.

I know for those of you that know who I am, you’re thinking- “but Miss Funs, you’re already awesome at everything.” Well thanks kids, but it’s not entirely true. Me Espanola is no muy beano, I can tap out Fur Elise here and there and my dog definitely still kills things. So there you have it.

This unemployment ain’t getting me down!! I’ve also made my own Facebook page, so like me and be my friend so you can see more updates J


Miss Funemployment

1 comment:

  1. You should learn to pickle your own pickles! Zero calories!
