Monday, September 19, 2011

Interview Shminterview

This post could be two sentences long:

1. I had an interview today. 
2. I was informed in the first four minutes of said interview that I am not qualified. 

That is exactly how the interview went. At least she didn't waste my time, which I do appreciate as I'm a very busy bee these days. And since I can't stand interviews it didn't bother me...

I just can't wrap my mind around the point of asking me dumb questions for a job that I hardly want. 70/30 that I would take it....oh, don't get it twisted; 30 that I even would take it. The one that always really gets me going is when interviewers ask for me to explain what my weaknesses are. The appropriate answer would be something along the lines of "Gosh, weaknesses? Hmm, I guess it would be that I just work too hard. Sometimes my co-workers just like me so much it becomes difficult in the work place because they just want to hug and cuddle me all day. Sometimes I find it a weakness that I add faster than a calculator or a computer. It's just not fair to technology that I'm so good with numbers" (HA- no, no I'm not, but sometimes I use that one just to impress people) 

But in all actuality, if I could answer honestly I'd say that my weakness is I am rarely to never on time. Mostly NEVER. I would like to tell one person, in just ONE interview that "if you hire me, I will never once, not one day I work here, be on time. Unless of course it's an accident or day-light savings and my iPhone alarm got all jammed up so I accidentally got up early." But this time around, she cut it short so I didn't have to make up any stupid answers that make me look worse than I  already do on paper. Which is hard to do since I only have about 3 years of real work experience and am so far from bilingual it's not funny. No es un chiste. <-- Translation: That is not a joke. Impressed? Si.

My last interview went slightly better. I got to round three and thought I had it in the bag, I mean, why would they invite me back three times? Two more times than I thought necessary, but I'm not CEO. Not yet, muhahaha.

I was wearing my best "I'm a serious professional" outfit and I'll admit, I looked damn good. I know what you're thinking and no, it didn't involve anything leather or feathers. At one point in the interview, the interviewer asked me what one of my pet-peeves was and without thinking I said "socks and sandals." Then I looked at her and my pea-brain realized she meant professional pet-peeves. I took a quick 30 seconds to think about how STUPID that question actually is, then I replied sheepishly "um....professionally though, um...rude...rude people. People who are rude. Rude stuff that people...just when people are rude." For some reason I left that interview feeling really confident that I would not be getting an offer from that company.

Interviews suck. Yet here I sit hoping for more of them and one that eventually leads to a job. Gotta make that monay monay!

Oh PS- I don't have any money saving tips today- maybe just don't spend it. That'll save $$. And with that advice I may start looking into financial positions....

 I'll need to do a little more research on that, sorry fan(s) :)

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