Monday, April 2, 2012

Welcome back, Welcome back, Weellllcome baaaack

Cello Miss (fun) Employment Fans! Guess who’s back in the mutha fuggin’ house with two big ole….nevermind. I’m back! A lot has changed since we last met; 1. I have a job and that shid is purdy cool. I haven’t taken ONE at work nap yet, so that’s great. 2. My best friend Jimmy moved to San Diego! YAHOO. She literally lives across the street from me. We’re currently working on setting up a tin can and string device so we can talk to each other window to window. 3. Hunger Games was released worldwide on le big screen. Hollywoooood. I still haven’t seen it because even though all these great things happened to me (I got a job, MY friend moved to San Diego and MY favorite book came out in a theatre in MY city) my only friend available to go see it right now is my angry, furry roommate.

Speaking of her; she still spends her days sleeping, barking and licking. But now she goes to ‘school’ pretty much daily (because waking up early to walk around the city is hard…well, waking up early is hard…) and she plays with all her friends. Today I got a report that she tried to beat up a massive husky so I think she’s really enjoying herself. Expanding her doggy mind and making a lot of friends- and I’m pretty sure they put her own room to make sure she gets all her homework done OR because she wants to murder everyone in that place. Who really knows? I do know that she’s made me two art projects and they were the most cutest things in the whole wide world J

Just to catch you up a little more; I didn’t learn Spanish, nor do I cook things anymore. Seriously people, working is hard and it takes up all your time. I don’t know if you all knew this, but HELLO. Who has time to do anything else besides sleep and work? I hate being a grown-up (Monday-Friday). BUT believe it or not I already filed ma taxes. That’s right UNCLE SAM….more like Uncle Scam. Taxes are such a waste of time. In fact, just to prove my point I didn’t pay my 2009 taxes. How about DEM apples? Seriously though, I apparently didn’t file any taxes for that year. And let me tell you this; the IRS doesn’t play. But I’m not down on myself, I’m just thinking that now I’m even MORE of an add-ult because I paid taxes twice in one year. I really have my shit together J Welcome back me!

          Doggy Art :)

1 comment:

  1. Artist or murderer...? It's hard to tell. I wonder what kind of art projects Ted Bundy brought home, maybe we should do a little research and see if they resemble the puppy paw paintings above....
