Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Tiimmmee!

A.M.G (ah ma gah) it has been AGES since I’ve posted anything. I apologize to anyone (or just the one) that reads my blog. I have been all over the place lately. The last time you saw me I had just completed a riveting sales pitch for an interview at a company that I am really excited about…well GUESS WHAT?!...I still haven’t heard from them. Assholes.

I’m hoping they were all just very preoccupado with the short week before Thanksgiving, but they really, really want me to join their team and wanted to take the time to get me a welcome basket and presents before offering me the job. Seems reasonable. Thanksgiving is over though, so I’m assuming this will be the week- fingers crossed and funemployment forms lying on the shredder. Not shredded yet though- let’s not get ahead of ourselves now. HahayouknowwhatImsaying *elbow elbow

Speaking of Thanksgiving- I hope everyone had a nice time and ate some good ass turkey. I spent some time with my family and friends, but it did get me to thinking about working. I reckon everyone that went anywhere had to leave on Tuesday or Wednesday, assumedly taking a day off work to get to the intended destination. You enjoy the actual day of Thanks (yay), and then it is Friday (boo).

The Friday after Thanksgiving, in my professional opinion, is the dumbest day in the history of days. I mean…everyone in the United States is still in a turkey coma and trying to figure out how many pounds of mashed potatoes they would have to eat in order for potatoes to actually come out their ears, so why would anyone go to work? No one is thinking about business, they are thinking about how slow the day is going to be and how pointless working a day between a holiday and a weekend really is. Point.less. 

It also makes me mad because it cuts into the weekend and that always gets me riled up. Thanksgiving should be a party from Wednesday night through Sunday afternoon. When people have to work on Friday morning they don’t want to get turkey trotted (a.k.a mezzed up!) on Thursday night. After a massive dinner, the best thing to do is polish off a few bottles of wine while you break the wish bone, scoop sweet potatoes out of the dish with your hands and walk around with your pants unbuttoned for the next four hours. Instead, people complain about how they won’t be able to sleep because they are "so full", how they can’t have any more wine because they have to "drive home" and "work" and how the next workday is going to suck. And then in voicing all these complaints out loud they are completely ruining everyone else’s Thanksgiving night. Phew…so that’s what I think. And please believe that is the ONLY Friday that I will ever call dumb in my entire life!

I think that when I’m the CEO of my own company (most likely a company that will rescue injured birds and resell them on the black market for a high profit) that I will close my company from the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through the New Year. I mean….tis the season ;) 

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